Starts a local dev environment
Last updated
Starts a local dev environment
Last updated
The dev
command starts a local dev environment - a local blockchain (Hardhat) and a local FE (Next.js) server.
-n, --fork-network-name [NAME]
Name of the network to fork; optional. By default, it starts a new chain from genesis block. (choices: "ethereum", "goerli", "polygonPos", "polygonMumbai", "polygonZkevm", "polygonZkevmTestnet")
-b, --fork-block-num [number]
Block number to fork at. By default, it's the latest block.
-r, --reset-on-change
Resets the entire local blockchain when any code is changed; for forked mode, it resets back to forked block number; NOT DEFAULT.
Deploys only smart contracts (having started local test chain) and updates Smart contract configs for frontend; does not start frontend dev environment.
Deploys only frontend (having started local server); does not start local blockchain. Smart contracts data is read from pre-existing configs. To generate these manually, use generate smart-contracts-config
-e, --enable-explorer
Sets up a chain explorer for the local test blockchain started; NOT DEFAULT; sign up at .
--ethernal-login-email [EMAIL]
Ethernal login email; needed only if --explorer
is enabled. This overrides env variable ETHERNAL_EMAIL
if present.
--ethernal-login-password [PASSWORD]
Ethernal login password; needed only if --explorer
is enabled. This overrides env variable ETHERNAL_PASSWORD
if present.
--ethernal-workspace [WORKSPACE]
Ethernal workspace name; needed only if --explorer
is enabled. This overrides env variable ETHERNAL_WORKSPACE
if present.
-h, --help
Display help for command
To get help, run: